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Sanja Ivekovic: Marina Abramovic

Marina Abramović: Originalni plakat za prvu veliku izložbu / performance Rhythm 2 Original poster for first big Marina Abramovic solo exhibition / performance Rhythm 2 Design Sanja Iveković. Galerija suvremene umjetnosti 14.10.1974. godine. High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak by Studio S 70x100cm Stanje odlično / fine condition. Very very rare and important Among the posters designed by Sanja Iveković for the Gallery, certainly the most well-known is the one created for the exhibition of Marina Abramović in 1974, again characteristic for its unusual intervention into the rectangular shape of the poster, created by cutting the right lower corner of the poster. In this case, the intervention is not only a reflection on the specificity of the medium, but also a reference to the artistic practice of Marina Abramović. The radical intervention in the limits of the poster’s medium is related to the body art of the artist herself, whose artistic practice often involves reaching the limits of physical and psychological exertion. Source: Marko Golub and Dejan Kršić
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Dalibor Martinis: Sanja Ivekovic

Dalibor Martinis: Sanja Iveković Plakat izložbe Sanja Iveković; Dokumenti 1949 - 1976. Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb 10.-30.12.1976. High Quality Screen Print / visokokvalitetan sitotisak Atelier Brane Horvat / Studio S 97,5 x 67,5 cm
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Sanja Ivekovic

Sanja Iveković: Ljubica Gerovac (Linda Evangelista) Gen XX, oglasi u časopisima i novinama, 1997 – 2001. Plakat 68x98 cm Gen XX,” 1997–2001, presents posters of famous supermodels emblazoned with the names of female Yugoslav World War II heroes Iveković equipped the photos of professional models with the names and brief stories of women who were celebrated under socialism as “national heroines,” who are today erased from the public consciousness. The space of common knowledge or familiarity from the socialist past was evacuated in favor of popular mass culture and commercial icons. Iveković utilizes these vehicles of everyday contemporary popular literacy and invests in them content with (generally absent, and to contemporary standards unattractive) historical knowledge.
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Sanja Ivekovic: Woman and the Politics of peace

Sanja Iveković: Žene i politika mira Sanja Ivekovic: Woman and the Politics of peace Plakat 50x70 cm Sitotisak / Silkprint Ženski međunarodni forum Centar za ženske studije, Zagreb 1993.
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CEAC (Podroom)

CEAC (Podroom) Sanja Iveković i Dalibor Martinis su 13. lipnja 1978. organizirali razgovor s grupom umjetnika iz CEAC-a iz Kanade. CEAC je skraćenica za Centre for Experimental Art and Communication, a radilo se o umjetničkoj grupi i prostoru koji su u Torontu 1975. osnovali Amerigo Marras, Bruce Eves i Ron Gillespie. Pet godina kasnije su bili prisiljeni zatvoriti prostor jer je njihovo djelovanje bilo proglašeno radikalnim i bili su optuženi za promoviranje odbacivanja autoriteta. U Podroomu su održali diskusiju na temu Umjetnost disidenata, a razgovaralo se o službenoj i otpadničkoj umjetnosti na zapadu. To je bio prvi u niz takvih događanja u Podroomu te je jedan od pokazatelja da Podroom nije predstavljao samo izlagački prostor nego i prostor za diskusije, razgovore o umjetnosti i druženje umjetnika. Razgovor je bio organiziran netom prije nego što su Martinis i Iveković otišli u Kanadu kao gostujući umjetnici u Western Front, još jedan artist-run space. Ovim razgovorom su htjeli potaknuti diskusije o širem društvenom kontekstu umjetnosti i kulture. CEAC je zastupao radikalne koncepte umjetnosti. Odluka o pretvaranju dotadašnjeg Martinisovog ateljea u alternativni umjetnički prostor Podroom bio je na tom tragu. Ostali članovi Podrooma su bili izrazito protiv takve i svake politizacije umjetnosti. izvor: Tina Rajić
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Sanja Ivekovic

Sanja Iveković The Disobedient (Reasons for Imprisonment), 2012. dizajn plakata: Dejan Krsić / poster design: Dejan Krsić 42x60cm Galerija SC, Zagreb 2012. Offset
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Sanja Ivekovic: Alerta General

Sanja Iveković: Alerta General, Obres 1974 - 2007 General Alert. Works 1974-2007 Fundació Antoni Tàpies, 2007. Aragó 255 08007 Barcelona Plakat izložbe 34,5x48 cm
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Sanja Ivekovic: Personal Cuts

Plakat za izložbu Sanje Iveković - Personal Cuts, Galerieim Taxipalais, Innsbruck, 2001. godine. Presavijan. Kvalitetno opremljen, natur. Preuzimanje samo u antikvarijatu
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