Slavko Matkovic: Knjiga

400,00 €

Slavko Matković: Knjiga (The Book)
Artist Book

Osvit, Subotica 1979.
Predgovor Balint Szombathy. Tekst na srpskom, mađarskom i engleskom jeziku.

S potpisom autora / Signed by Author.

Stanje - odlično.




Slavko Matkovic is one of the most prominent Serbian conceptual artists. His work highlights the creative process as opposed to the finished work, and explores such issues as the authorship of a work of art and the relationship between the visual and linguistic spheres, among others. As the most prominent representative of artistic nomadism and in an anticipation of art movements, Matkovic was involved in visual poetry, body art, comics, poetry, painting, performance, film, mail art, etc.

In 1969 in Subotica, Matkovic together with Balint Szombathy established the art group Bosch + Bosch. Within this small community, the group embodied contemporary artistic sensibility. Its art practice fulfilled international artistic aspirations by transcending former aesthetic categories in favor of ethics. The Group founded the magazines "Contractor e972" and "WOW" which published relevant articles in the fields of art and theory.