Pet radova Vlade Marteka, pet radova Mladena Stilinovića.
Ponuda uključuje i plakat / pozivnicu (a4) format).
Knjigarad = Bookwork. Artist Book.
Limited and Rare.
Galerija Studentskog centra, Zagreb 1980. This book is stapled in the center, creating space for a Artist Book for two artists. The left side contains Martek's work and the right side contains Stilinović's, including drawings, handwritten texts and affixed to two of Martek's pages, a pencil and eraser. Cover and back page screen print.
One copy in MoMa.
Autor: Vlado Martek i Mladen Stilinović
Izdavač: Galerija Studentskog centra, Zagreb
Izdanje: prvo
Godina: 1980
Uvez: meki
Format: 31x21